I am very impressed with these new business cards from Vistaprint. (What you cannot see is how well they also did raised graphics and text.)
Beautiful and professional visually and tactilely. Way to go Vistaprint!
Sharing a passion for people, bringing joy to work, and data. Perpetual newbie. #LetsLearnTogether
This awesome mathematics teaching tool came in yesterday from Amazon:
Okay, it was a bit hard to hold my Note9 and flip it…but you get the idea!
The Bell curve and standard distribution are obvious, but it also…
Both the Galton Board and the superimposed Pascal’s Triangle incorporate many related mathematical, statistical and probability concepts. Can you spot them all?
In the Galton Board you may see: the Gaussian curve of the normal distribution, or bell-shaped curve; the central limit theorem (the de Moivre-Laplace theorem); the binomial distribution (Bernoulli distribution); regression to the mean; probabilities such as coin flipping and stock market returns; the law of frequency of errors; and what Sir Francis Galton referred to as the “law of unreason.”
With Pascal’s triangle, mathematical properties and patterns are evident. Those include prime numbers; powers of two; Magic 11’s, Hockey Stick Pattern, triangular numbers; square numbers; binary numbers; Fibonacci’s sequence, Catalan numbers; binomial expansion; fractals, Golden Ratio, and Sierpinkski’s Triangle.
More info available at galtonboard.com.
Sure, maybe I get too excited by stuff like this…but…come on…it’s pretty cool! 🙂
A week and a half ago, I attended a 90 minute talk by Mike Rognlien in Denver thanks to VitalSmarts. A bonus was getting a free copy of Mike’s 2018 book, This Is Now Your Company. That unexpected gift was quite serendipitous given I’ll be presenting “Counterintuitive IT™: How Do We Change Culture?” at my company’s April 1st Agile Community of Interest meeting. As he did during his talk, Mike shares plenty of unexpected, consummate insights in Now This Is Your Company.
Why am I giving his work five stars? Because it is the right mix of focusing on what needs to change in companies, those you interact with, and (most importantly) in you. (Well, let’s be painfully honest and admit that it helped me focus on what needs to change in me. And there is plenty.)
This physically striking book (it is truly a beautiful thing to hold and look at) is broken into three sections: [Read more…] about Review: This Is Now Your Company
A “must read” book for anyone is Crucial Conversatons. This video gives a great summary. Please check it out…but still read the book! 🙂
I have been so busy rebuilding my home office with a Human Solution UPLIFT Desk (more on that another day), I have been remiss in not noting how much I enjoyed a presentation by Mike Rognlien at a morning VitalSmarts conference last Thursday. Considering how much I am highlighting passages, his book, This Is Now Your Company, is going on my DevOps & Agile Book Club book list!
Figured I’d repeat a post I put on LinkedIn this morning:
You know that when a book starts off with a forward by Gene Kim and then immediately quotes something written in 1159, it’s going to be great. Congrats to Carmen DeArdo on the release of Standing on Shoulders: A Leader’s Guide to Digital Transformation — I just broke it open!